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R12 – Query to find Supplier, Sites and Contact Information

April 24, 2014

In the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Release 12 the data model of Suppliers has become much more complex with integrating suppliers into TCA architecture. The base tables have changed (Suppliers, Sites, Bank Accounts, Contacts) and some of the fields have become obsolete.

Here is a query to bring many of the Supplier attributes together, with focus on banks / bank accounts, payment methods, contacts, remittance delivery (email, notification method). Please post comments if you find any issues!

with vendors as
select vendor_id
from ap_suppliers
where 1=1
–and vendor_type_lookup_code = ‘VENDOR’
–and upper( vendor_name ) like ‘VIRTUATE%’
and creation_date between ’01-JAN-2011′ and ’01-JAN-2012′
–and enabled_flag = ‘Y’
, vend as
select pv.vendor_id vendor_id
, pv.vendor_name_alt vendor_name_alt
, pv.vendor_name vendor_name
, pv.segment1 vendor_number
, pv.vendor_type_lookup_code vendor_type_lookup_code
from ap_suppliers pv
where pv.vendor_id in (select v.vendor_id from vendors v)
, site as
select ss.vendor_id vendor_id
, ss.org_id org_id
, ss.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
, ss.vendor_site_code vendor_site_code
, ss.vendor_site_code_alt vendor_site_code_alt
, ss.vat_code tax_code
, ss.vat_registration_num vat_registration_num
, terms_name
, ss.address_line1 ss_address_line1
, ss.address_line2 ss_address_line2
, ss.address_line3 ss_address_line3
, ss_zip
, ss_city
, ss.state ss_state
, ss_country
, ss.area_code ss_area_code
, ss_phone
, ss.fax_area_code ss_fax_area_code
, ss.fax ss_fax
, ss.telex ss_telex
, ss.pay_site_flag ss_pay_site_flag
, ss.primary_pay_site_flag ss_primary_pay_site_flag
, pm.remit_advice_delivery_method ss_remit_advice_deliv_meth
, pm.remit_advice_email ss_remit_advice_email
, pm.remit_advice_fax ss_remit_advice_fax
, pm.payment_method_code ss_payment_method_code
, ss.remittance_email ss_remittance_email
, ss.supplier_notif_method ss_supplier_notif_method
, ps.addressee ss_addressee
, ( select hcp.phone_area_code
from hz_contact_points hcp
where hcp.owner_table_id = ss.party_site_id
and hcp.owner_table_name = ‘HZ_PARTY_SITES’
and hcp.phone_line_type = ‘GEN’
and hcp.contact_point_type = ‘PHONE’
–and hcp.created_by_module = ‘AP_SUPPLIERS_API’
and rownum < 2 — copied from OAF View Object
) ss_hcp_phone_area_code
, ( select hcp.phone_number
from hz_contact_points hcp
where hcp.owner_table_id = ss.party_site_id
and hcp.owner_table_name = ‘HZ_PARTY_SITES’
and hcp.phone_line_type = ‘GEN’
and hcp.contact_point_type = ‘PHONE’
–and hcp.created_by_module = ‘AP_SUPPLIERS_API’
and rownum < 2 — copied from OAF View Object
) ss_hcp_phone_number
, ( select hcp.phone_area_code
from hz_contact_points hcp
where hcp.owner_table_id = ss.party_site_id
and hcp.owner_table_name = ‘HZ_PARTY_SITES’
and hcp.phone_line_type = ‘FAX’
and hcp.contact_point_type = ‘PHONE’
–and hcp.created_by_module = ‘AP_SUPPLIERS_API’
and rownum < 2 — copied from OAF View Object
) ss_hcp_fax_area_code
, ( select hcp.phone_number
from hz_contact_points hcp
where hcp.owner_table_id = ss.party_site_id
and hcp.owner_table_name = ‘HZ_PARTY_SITES’
and hcp.phone_line_type = ‘FAX’
and hcp.contact_point_type = ‘PHONE’
–and hcp.created_by_module = ‘AP_SUPPLIERS_API’
and rownum < 2 — copied from OAF View Object
) ss_hcp_fax_number
from ap_supplier_sites_all ss
, ap_suppliers sup
, ap_terms t
, (
select ss.vendor_site_id
, payee.remit_advice_delivery_method
, payee.remit_advice_email
, payee.remit_advice_fax
, pm.payment_method_code
from iby_external_payees_all payee
, iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds pm
, hz_party_sites ps
, ap_supplier_sites_all ss
where payee.payee_party_id = ps.party_id
and payee.payment_function = ‘PAYABLES_DISB’
and payee.party_site_id = ss.party_site_id
and payee.supplier_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id
and payee.org_id = ss.org_id
and payee.org_type = ‘OPERATING_UNIT’
and ss.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id
and payee.ext_payee_id = pm.ext_pmt_party_id (+)
and pm.primary_flag (+) = ‘N’
and not exists
( select 1
from iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds pm2
where pm.ext_pmt_party_id = pm2.ext_pmt_party_id
and pm2.primary_flag = ‘Y’
union all
select ss.vendor_site_id
, payee.remit_advice_delivery_method
, payee.remit_advice_email
, payee.remit_advice_fax
, pm.payment_method_code
from iby_external_payees_all payee
, iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds pm
, hz_party_sites ps
, ap_supplier_sites_all ss
where payee.payee_party_id = ps.party_id
and payee.payment_function = ‘PAYABLES_DISB’
and payee.party_site_id = ss.party_site_id
and payee.supplier_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id
and payee.org_id = ss.org_id
and payee.org_type = ‘OPERATING_UNIT’
and ss.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id
and pm.ext_pmt_party_id = payee.ext_payee_id
and pm.primary_flag = ‘Y’
) pm
, hz_party_sites ps
where sup.vendor_id in (select vendor_id from vendors)
and sup.vendor_id = ss.vendor_id
and ss.vendor_site_id = pm.vendor_site_id (+)
and ss.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id (+)
and ss.terms_id = t.term_id (+)
, cont as
select pv.vendor_id vendor_id
, pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
, hp.party_id c_party_id
, hp.person_first_name c_first_name
, hp.person_last_name c_last_name
, hp.person_title c_person_title
, hcpe.email_address c_email_address
, hcpp.phone_area_code c_phone_area_code
, hcpp.phone_number c_phone_number
, hcpf.phone_area_code c_fax_area_code
, hcpf.phone_number c_fax_number
from hz_parties hp
, hz_relationships hzr
, hz_contact_points hcpp
, hz_contact_points hcpf
, hz_contact_points hcpe
, ap_suppliers pv
, ap_supplier_sites_all pvs
, hz_party_sites hps
where hp.party_id = hzr.subject_id
and hzr.relationship_type = ‘CONTACT’
and hzr.relationship_code = ‘CONTACT_OF’
and hzr.subject_type = ‘PERSON’
and hzr.subject_table_name = ‘HZ_PARTIES’
and hzr.object_type = ‘ORGANIZATION’
and hzr.object_table_name = ‘HZ_PARTIES’
and hzr.status = ‘A’
and hcpp.owner_table_name(+) = ‘HZ_PARTIES’
and hcpp.owner_table_id(+) = hzr.party_id
and hcpp.phone_line_type(+) = ‘GEN’
and hcpp.contact_point_type(+) = ‘PHONE’
and hcpf.owner_table_name(+) = ‘HZ_PARTIES’
and hcpf.owner_table_id(+) = hzr.party_id
and hcpf.phone_line_type(+) = ‘FAX’
and hcpf.contact_point_type(+) = ‘PHONE’
and hcpe.owner_table_name(+) = ‘HZ_PARTIES’
and hcpe.owner_table_id(+) = hzr.party_id
and hcpe.contact_point_type(+) = ‘EMAIL’
and hcpp.status (+)=’A’
and hcpf.status (+)=’A’
and hcpe.status (+)=’A’
and hps.party_id = hzr.object_id
and pvs.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
and pv.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id
and exists
( select 1
from ap_supplier_contacts ascs
where (ascs.inactive_date is null
or ascs.inactive_date > sysdate)
and hzr.relationship_id = ascs.relationship_id
and hzr.party_id = ascs.rel_party_id
and hps.party_site_id = ascs.org_party_site_id
and hzr.subject_id = ascs.per_party_id
and pv.vendor_id in (select vendor_id from vendors)
, bank as
select pv.vendor_id vendor_id
, ss.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
, hopbank.bank_or_branch_number bank_number
, hopbranch.bank_or_branch_number branch_number
, eba.bank_account_num bank_account_num
, eba.bank_account_name bank_account_name
, piu.start_date bank_use_start_date
, piu.end_date bank_use_end_date
, piu.order_of_preference bank_priority
from iby_ext_bank_accounts eba
, iby_external_payees_all payee
, iby_pmt_instr_uses_all piu
, ap_supplier_sites_all ss
, ap_suppliers pv
, hz_organization_profiles hopbank
, hz_organization_profiles hopbranch
where 1=1
and eba.bank_id = hopbank.party_id
and eba.branch_id = hopbranch.party_id
and payee.payment_function = ‘PAYABLES_DISB’
and payee.party_site_id = ss.party_site_id
and payee.supplier_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id
and payee.org_id = ss.org_id
and payee.org_type = ‘OPERATING_UNIT’
and payee.ext_payee_id = piu.ext_pmt_party_id
and piu.payment_flow = ‘DISBURSEMENTS’
and piu.instrument_type = ‘BANKACCOUNT’
and piu.instrument_id = eba.ext_bank_account_id
and piu.start_date < sysdate
and ( piu.end_date is null or
piu.end_date > sysdate
and ss.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
and pv.vendor_id in (select vendor_id from vendors)
— select distinct v.*, s.*, c.*, b.*
select distinct v.vendor_id supplier_id
, v.vendor_number supplier_num
, v.vendor_name supplier_name
, v.vendor_type_lookup_code supplier_type
, s.terms_name terms_name
, s.tax_code invoice_tax_code
, s.vat_registration_num vat_registration_num
, s.vendor_site_code site_code
, s.ss_address_line1 address1
, s.ss_address_line2 address2
, s.ss_address_line3 address3
, s.ss_city suburb
, s.ss_state state
, s.ss_zip post_code
, s.ss_country country
, s.ss_payment_method_code payment_method
, b.bank_account_name bank_account_name
, b.bank_number bank_number
, b.branch_number branch_number
, b.bank_account_num bank_account_num
, s.ss_remit_advice_email remittance_email
, s.ss_remit_advice_deliv_meth notification_method
, c.c_first_name contact_first_name
, c.c_last_name contact_last_name
, c.c_person_title contact_title
, c.c_email_address contact_email
, c.c_phone_area_code contact_ph_area_code
, c.c_phone_number contact_ph_number
, c.c_fax_area_code contact_fax_area_code
, c.c_fax_number contact_fax_number
from vend v
, site s
, cont c
, bank b
where v.vendor_id = s.vendor_id (+)
–and v.vendor_type_lookup_code=’VENDOR’
and s.org_id=82
and s.vendor_id = b.vendor_id (+)
and s.vendor_site_id = b.vendor_site_id (+)
and s.vendor_id = c.vendor_id (+)
and s.vendor_site_id = c.vendor_site_id (+)
and nvl(b.bank_priority,-1) = (select nvl(min(bank_priority),-1)
from bank b2
where b2.vendor_id = b.vendor_id
and b2.vendor_site_id = b.vendor_site_id)
order by 3,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13;

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